Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Midterm Project Idea

Start thinking about an idea for a larger project that you'd like to work on. Blog your idea - include references to APIs that intend to use, links and pictures. Sketch out a simple wireframe / interaction diagram for your idea. Also include a paragraph and some links about your inspiration for this idea.

Brainstorming is about sharing ideas and ideas are usually linked to an experience one has had. Although society has become more dependent to technology, brainstorming is still an activity that is primarily done on paper. Pilotstorm (reference presentation was an early adopter to bringing the act of brainstorming to the digital realm. Pilotstorm v2.0 (pending renaming) should be something that can help people all over link their ideas with not just words. Handheld technology has improved greatly since 2001. Brainstorming can include videos, photos and audio linking to words. Furthermore, this expands the brainstorming group from a few to as many as your network can handle.